Op. Dr. Mustafa Demir
I was born on November 1, 1981, in Şanlıurfa. I completed my primary, secondary and high school education in Şanlıurfa. I graduated from Şanlıurfa Anatolian High School as first of my class. In 1999, I graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine with honors. I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 2006. After my graduation, I worked as a general practitioner for 2 years. In 2009, I started my Surgical residency at Istanbul Göztepe Training and Research Hospital. I earned the title of Surgeon in 2014.
From the first years of my assistantship, I started to receive training and improve myself in the fields of Medical Aesthetics and Traditional Complementary Medicine. While I was running from surgery to surgery, I also attended many domestic and international seminars and congresses.
Since my early ages, the facial harmony of human beings has always impressed me. I still have a hard time understanding the fact that the Almighty Creator has created billions of people with 5-6 organs and completely different facial structures, and that everyone's face is different from each other. I am one of those who believe that everyone's face has a story. And I continue my work with the desire to be a guest in this story.